How can I envision the encouraging conversations and Empowerment Trainings with Regina Koerten-Knott? Could they be of any value to me? Here, clients and students share their personal experiences in many voices and provide a rich insight into the nature of the collaboration and its intricate effects.
Short Stories
Some people have been accompanied and advised by Regina Koerten-Knott on their paths for many years and have already participated in many training and seminar offers. In this section you will find some personal „travelogues“ about valuable experiences and multi-layered observations from their years of experiencing the Empowerment work with Regina.
She is a counselor
In her One Love Institute for Creative Communication (1996 – 2007) Regina Koerten-Knott mentored many people to build their lives into something richer, more fulfilling and more meaningful. Since 2008 she continues her work as a counselor in her company Higher Levels – Empowerment for People & Projects. Her personal consultations are always customized, unique and holistic. With crystal-clear vision, analytical mind and strategic skills, she is able to steer energies in the most beautiful direction, so that her clients are able to find and use their talents and abilities in a meaningful way.
She is a true master of many disciplines
A rare combination of very different abilities can be found in Regina Körten-Knott which range from spiritual and practical to powerful and clarifying. Committed to beauty, passionately connected to life, full of heartfelt energy and free in her thinking, she herself continues to be a student of all aspects of our lives.
She is a wise elder
Regina is one of those extraordinary people who have existed through the ages and in every culture, one of those people who, through a special sensitivity, through particularly sensitive and trained antennae, through honed senses, gain access to insights and connections that do not readily reveal themselves to most people. She is a woman who almost vibrates with knowledge, old knowledge – modern knowledge, which she weaves together in a wonderful and very special way. You will experience some of these precious and powerful treasures of knowledge in the trainings with her and receive new information that you might not have heard, read or seen in this form before.
She is a powerful catalyst
She finds the keys to the locks in our doors behind which new spaces emerge for us. Regina Koerten-Knott has an opening power through which people can heal and grow and become more whole and fulfilled. And she stops at the doors with us and helps us to move on, so that we actually manage to enter these new spaces.
She is a storyteller
„Don’t bother telling me any of your stories!“ we might say to someone we don’t really trust, who we do not believe what he or she is saying. „Tell us your stories, please!“ we ask Regina, because we know that her rich stories have a lot to offer. Sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful, but always very close to the heart. Great truths wrapped in inspiring stories – learning has never been so sweet!
She is a Confidante
How many people do you know whom you would tell your deepest desires, your most secret fears, your greatest longings? The gift of confidentiality, empathy, listening, mirroring, understanding, supporting, and holding makes Regina Koerten-Knott someone you can confide in, both in life and in death.
She is a free woman
She has made it her passion to teach what it means to live a free life. She will especially continue to guide women to imagine a self-determined, loving and powerful future, to think and act accordingly, and thus to determine and shape their future.
She is a visionary
„The key to an intelligent evolution for our planet is largely in the hands, hearts and minds of us humans. And that’s why we need a lot of smart and capable people who actively foster their heart’s education and apply their knowledge and skills with responsibility.“
Regina Koerten-Knott sees behind and beyond the obvious and is gifted to translate these insights, to make them tangible and to impart them with substance. Her work is always about the big picture as well as the finer details, and she knows how important it is to allow people to passionately develop their talents and the things they love. Both for themselves personally, for the joy of their hearts, and by extension, for all other people on this planet.
She is a poet
Regina Koerten-Knott writes about us humans, about our life here on earth, about how we can target the challenges of our present time with strength of heart and wisdom, to find good choices that promote life individually and universally.
Gentle and at the same time powerful, to the point and at the same time far beyond, very unique and never superficial, touching and stimulating – Regina Koerten-Knott’s texts are multi-faceted and indefinitely durable, always have been.
Susanne Michel, Jena, who has been participating in seminar and training programs for 20 years at the One Love Institute for Creative Communication and at Higher Levels – Empowerment for People & Projects.
A JOURNEY to Higher and Deeper Levels
I met Regina Koerten-Knott at the perfect time for me: I was in my early twenties and at the time I felt some very pressing doubts and indecisions swirling around inside me. Questions about my future path in life were crowding in and all wanted to be heard and answered at the same time. I wanted to establish within myself the ability to make good and sustainable decisions for both my development and my life, and for that to happen I wanted to figure out in the first place: In which direction do I want to develop? Who do I want to be? Who am I actually already?
First of all, I learned in the reflecting empowerment sessions with Regina to find and ask the questions that are really close to my heart and burning in my soul, in other words, to listen attentively to myself. In individual conversations during walks by the lake, in smaller teaching rounds or in the larger Women’s Lodges, I began this approaching, tracing and exploring of what is there „in me“. I went on a profound search for where this „in me“ is and who is speaking from there. Which truths, desires and beauties this place „in me“ holds and how big, wide and free it really is.
I consider the journey to this place as a coming-to-myself, a self-discovery, during which Regina was often present as a poetic, captivating and humorous storyteller and triggered some of these so valuable „aha-moments“ with accurate one-liners, suggestions, quotes and lessons.
The many conversations led me to take steps in a direction that gave me a sense of connection with myself, with others and the bigger world. Through Reginas profound and precise powers of observation expressed in her words, she gave me a mirror in which I could more clearly and less „disguisedly“ accept my truly own contours. I learnt to discard those conformations into which I had bent as a result of external opinions and adopted norms.
Moreover, I learned to build up a „toolbox“ in which I gathered different hammers, screws and measuring tapes. I understood increasingly better when it was time to take measurements – for questions like: Do I really want to spend that much time on this activity? How much of this or that is good for me? I learned to tear down self-damaging belief structures in this place inside me which bore names like „self-doubt“ or „mistrust“.
And this is how, in the last 5 years, during which I have been able to work with Regina time and again, a space has emerged within me that I had previously „de-cluttered“. Through her empowerment work and her key questions, I have since been sowing new seeds that have blossomed and borne fruit – in the loving relationship with myself, the enriching close relationships in my life, the projects I am pursuing and in my connectedness with everything that is living around me.
Regina’s way of working continues to be focused on what is truly good for me personally at this particular place and time. Her approach is undogmatic in the best sense, focused on the present moment and the specific person, and not concerned with following any one doctrine. Regina’s approaches and advice have also been so helpful and fruitful for me because she takes her own words to heart, lives and radiates them herself. In her teachings Regina remains an approachable, witty and grounded teacher whom I can meet at eye level, with respect from her and for her. She continues to teach a loving, holistic way of living that is respectful of the life of everyone and everything on earth and that is based on a tangible connection and presence with life.
And so I continue on the path of discovering the place (or should I say: this whole landscape?) within me and I am very grateful to Regina for all the signposts she has placed along the way, all the resting places where I have been able to catch my breath with her, and for her presence in awakening me to the beauty of my landscape and the landscape that surrounds me on a daily basis.
Theresa Sigusch, author and editor, Berlin,