
How can I envision the encouraging conversations and Empowerment Trainings with Regina Koerten-Knott? Could they be of any value to me? Here, clients and students share their personal experiences in many voices and provide a rich insight into the nature of the collaboration and its intricate effects.

To the Point

Regular reflection on personal and professional issues with Regina Koerten-Knott enhances my clarity, expands my field of vision and helps me to grow and mature within myself.  For my further development as a free, truthful and socially competent person, as a systemic coach working with clients and as a self-employed entrepreneur, this is of utmost value.

Through the smart and witty conversations, I feel seen and affirmed in a way that allows me to bring out the best in myself. Through her deep understanding of correlations, her crystal-clear analyses and her precisely fitting interventions, Mrs. Koerten-Knott awakens my own development potential in a special way.

Dr. Peter Gerdes, Systemic Coach & Photographer, Freiburg. Loves gladioli, fireflies and light reflected in water.


Regina Koerten-Knott brings the ancient art of giving advice into the present and into our envisioned future, beautifully tailor-made for modern living and the challenges of our time. Thanks to her ability to analytically penetrate and illuminate emotional and mental thickets, she is able to translate insights into individual and practical signposts for her clients.

Susanne Michel, Senior Product Support Specialist at a medical device manufacturer in Jena. Loves generosity, willpower and a good joke.


What fascinates me most about her work is Regina’s ability to see my specific talents, longings and possibilities. She is able to see behind facades, to expose adjustments lovingly, humorously, encouragingly. I can learn to grasp and celebrate my true beauty and greatness as Regina repeatedly shines the light (sometimes a gentle match, sometimes a brilliant spotlight) on it. Out of this grasping and developing of my unique Self, the beauty of effective Self-Care and Self-Love, rooted in Self-knowledge, are growing.

Theresa Sigusch, author and editor, Berlin. Loves cycling on warm summer evenings, late-night clubbing and celebrating friendships.


For many years Regina Koerten-Knott has accompanied my professional and personal maturation and development. She has supported me in living authentically, in knowing and using my potential and in creating a healthy and happy balance in my life.

Really special and outstanding is the range of topics dealt with, from exploring spiritual depths to the pragmatic elaboration of functional business models to the most suiting lipstick color. Regina Koerten-Knott is concerned with the „real work of art,“ embedded in an „overarching beauty“, always pursuing the question: „Is this here (still) beautiful enough?“ Today, I stand on the foundation thus developed, successful in my profession, passionate in my commitment to a better world, and joyful in my private activities.

Dipl.-Ing. Ellen Gerdes, Hildesheim, systemic organizational and management consultant and trainer in international development cooperation. Loves country life, authentic, free, loving people and the climate justice movement Extinction Rebellion.


Regina is one of the most inspiring women I have had the privilege to know in my life, and I am so grateful.

With her natural empathy, knowledge, and strong professionalism, she always made me feel like I was allowed to be me. With this familiar sentiment, I have been given the gift of learning what the path to self-love can look like.

I remember grounded and liberating walks on the North Sea beach, shared trusting conversations, blissful moments with wonderful women and respectful silence during my time at her legendary Women’s Lodges. A lot of valuable information and interventions have become a part of my life which show up in small rituals or in simple habits in my daily life. Such as always asking myself the question: What is really important for me, and why?

Thank you, Regina, for the power of light.

Katrin D. from Jena, manager at a child and youth welfare organization, Loves beach volleyball, yoga and her Labrador Aaron.


At times I work with Regina Koerten-Knott on my personal and professional development in the form of telephone consultation sessions or at workshops with small client groups. Her thorough analysis of people & projects and her rich consulting experience makes her a professional coach who guides you in the desired direction which you might not see so easily without her profound self-reflection methods.

Regina’s counseling and strategy-developing consulting work have truly helped me find better paths in my professional career. I can recommend Regina if you are open for some serious self-development work which can be challenging at times, but also fun and very much enlightening.

If you feel like your projects require ground work optimization or a new direction, Regina can coach you getting the most out of yourself and empowers your projects to move forward successfully.

Bram van der Wal, Head of Product @, Zeist, The Netherlands. Loves mountain-biking, hiking in nature, exploring new technologies and Riesling quality wines.


Dear Regina,

through you receives
– my love expression
– my abilities food
– my longing hope
– my individuality respect and recognition
– my thinking clarity
– my feeling depth
– my spirituality breadth
– my seeing new facets
– my life fullness
– my humor many good opportunities
– my tolerance training
– my loyalty opportunities
– my struggles support
– my phlegm homework
– my butt a kick
– my body beauty
– my trust a home
– my guilt home ban
– my movement direction
– my being good measure.
When it comes to people, you are simply a master.

Susanne Michel, Senior Product Support Specialist at a manufacturer of medical products in Jena. Loves cats, garnet and schnapps chocolates.


Regina Koerten-Knott,
Insightful Inspirator.
Reflecting Revealer.
Colourful Companion.
One out of many.
Prosynaptic explorations.
Blind spot illuminations.
True Self-Developments.
Imbedded in unlimited laughter.
Tender. Radical. To the point.
One Love in action.
Maximum dedicated.
For the people.
For real.
For decades.
I am so grateful for all.
Let’s continue.
With a loving hug.

Peaces, Atelier für freiheitliche Lebensführung, Freiburg, Loves wordplay, photo art and self-development.


The 28 sharp

For this column, some clients and students have taken on the creative challenge of poetically condensing an essence of their experiences and learning into exactly 28 words:

No frills and no prefabricated answers. Instead, wide and heartfelt spaces.
Challenging, sometimes, but with good measure.
Playfully and seriously, one finds one’s own truth and clarity there.

Sebastian Béla Keil, works as a developer for a large in vitro diagnostics manufacturer in Jena. Loves trees, bees and the wide view.


Take a look.
Do you like it?
Stay with it.
Does it touch your heart?
Then look closer.
…and now two minutes longer.
That makes your life richer,
says Regina.

You have to want it.
Will gives strength to learn.
About your love, your fear,
your doubts, your courage,
your arts.
From her.
Through her.
Mirror, mirror
is Regina.

Harriett Chambers-Touch, writer. Loves tea with milk, fog under a full moon, and books.


You see me. You trust me. You encourage and empower me to go further, to cross boundaries, to use my questioning, to take a stand. Thank you, Regina!

You teach what you truly live. You are an authentic teacher with humor and creativity. Your love of life and your ability to see beauty touches my core.

Sylvia Sigusch, painter, Berlin. Loves life with all her heart, painting with free hand and creating clay figures.